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About This Book

With the help of the development tools and frameworks mentioned in MakeYourApp.today, you can easily achieve independent app development and quickly bring to life any ideas you have in mind. Startups can also refer to the methods and techniques mentioned in this book to rapidly deploy and launch app services, seizing market opportunities before they become saturated. Moreover, as long as you can find a viable business model, you can profit from developing independent apps and even make it your main source of income.

In this book, you will learn:

  • How to quickly develop and deploy highly available, small, and elegant software/services.
  • How to independently develop and deploy apps with the most popular app development frameworks and automation tools.
  • Clever product design, user growth, and monetization strategies to create more value with your app.
✨ It is priced at $19.99 USD, with an early bird pre-order price of $9.99 USD. It is expected to be officially released in August 2023.
✨ This book will be updated annually, covering the most popular technology frameworks and introducing cutting-edge development tools.
✨ Paying readers can join the global Slack community to share ideas and exchange experiences with other independent developers during the app development process.

About the Author

Junkai Man is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science at Brown University and holds a Bachelor's degree in Data Science from Duke Kunshan University (Class of 2023). Website Indie Page


Thanks to the early-bird paid💰 supporters and readers of this book. The list is updating.

Yueqian Lin
Tom Zhang
Huyue Yan
Jiacheng Xie
Zedian Shao
Yizhen Wu
Beichen Ma
Eric Su