01 - Introduction & Motivation
[🔒]Understanding the limitations of independent development

Understanding the Limitations of Independent Development

[⚠️ Auto-translated by ChatGPT. Review pending.]

It is important to acknowledge the limitations of independent development. Understanding these limitations can help you determine whether your desired product is suitable for independent development and whether you enjoy working independently.

  1. Product Scale: Due to limited resources and funding, independent developers face challenges in building large-scale products. This can restrict the market potential and profitability of the product, often resulting in relatively modest earnings (compared to venture-backed startup products). [The good news is that there are many products generating Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of $2,000 USD or more, which can still provide a significant income for individuals!]
  2. Time/Knowledge/Ability Constraints: Independent developers may need to juggle multiple roles simultaneously, such as development, design, testing, and maintenance. This can be a significant challenge for a single person, even with the assistance of AI models. Furthermore, independent developers may lack relevant knowledge and expertise in certain domains or specific technical requirements, which can limit the level of customization. [The good news is that if you have a strong curiosity and enjoy exploring unfamiliar domains for novelty, independent development is well-suited for you!]
  3. Security: Independent development faces risks and challenges in terms of security because you may rely heavily on third-party components or open-source frameworks, which can introduce potential security vulnerabilities. Independent developers need to closely monitor and track the security of these components, taking timely measures to protect the security of the application and user data.
  4. Copyright Issues: Independent developers may encounter copyright issues when using open-source frameworks, components, or design materials. While open-source frameworks are typically free to use, certain open-source licenses may impose restrictions on commercial usage. Independent developers need to carefully read and comply with the relevant open-source licenses to ensure their legality and adherence to license requirements.
  5. Maintenance Costs: Independent developers also need to address limitations and scalability issues related to server resources, especially as they develop multiple products. You may need to consider scaling computational resources appropriately based on user numbers and feedback, or optimizing computational resources effectively to ensure long-term operation of the app.